Sierra Leone Solar Power Project update


W&A helped install solar panels in the Kenema Government Hospital with financial assistance from Goldman Sachs and others. These provide a stable source of electricity powering oxygen concentrators which are saving children’s lives. Every child’s life matters.  

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Abi – Points of Light Award

Point of Light logo

       Abi Estelle – Willing and Abel A UK doctor has founded a charity in order to provide specialist medical treatments for children in developing countries. In a personal letter to Abi, Prime Minister Theresa May said: “Your tireless work through ‘Willing and Abel’ is transforming lives across Africa by helping children access…

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Kisakya Mukama – Uganda

    Kisakya Mukama (meaning God’s grace) was born in Uganda in December with a life threatening condition – Right Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia -meaning the space where his right lung should be was occupied by the liver and pushing his right lung onto his heart and left lung. A local mission doctor, Becca Jones, demonstrated…

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Derrick – Ghana

      In late December 2016, our contact in Ghana introduced us to Derrick who had club hands. We referred this to our Medical Board and having consulted surgeons on the Mercy Ship (Africa Mercy) in Benin, we were able to transport Derrick and his mum to Benin.  He was operated on 20 January and…

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Ethan Update

            Latest Update (22-02-17) – The last couple of pictures are Ethan in his new school uniform – very pleased to be going to school like the other children. Still a bump on his stomach but the consultant hopes as he grows this will be less pronounced. Update – Ethan and his father…

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Update – Baby Annet from Uganda

        Update (22-02-17) – We are pleased to report Baby Annet (now 11 months old) had her surgery in February and the op (closure of patent ductus arteriosus shunt) was successful.  She is doing well and her post op echo showed a successful repair.  A couple of her latest photos have been added.…

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Kleman Agbi from Ghana

     Kleman is 7 weeks old and was born with Hydrocephalus – a build-up of fluid on her brain. The excess fluid puts pressure on the brain, which can damage it. Her parents are poor and could not afford the surgery needed to avoid damage to Kleman’s brain. She was referred to Willing and…

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Ayeko from Uganda

    Update – Ayeko from Uganda – op 6 October 2016 Ayeko (3 yrs old boy) has arrived at the Mulago hospital in Kampala and will have his surgery today. He was born with an imperforate anus – the opening to his anus is missing or blocked. He had a preliminary operation in April…

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Godsway from Ghana

   Godsway (great name!) is 10 years old – last week with the help of Willing and Abel he had a congenital inguinal hernia repaired. The hernia had been causing him intermittent severe pain – but the family were unable to afford the journey and assessment at their regional hospital in the Volta region of…

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ETHAN SUGLO from Ghana

Willing and Abel together with Drs. David and Jacquie Williams, are fundraising for ETHAN SUGLO from the Volta region of Ghana to have an operation at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford. This little boy was born on 19 March 2013 and badly needs an operation for his exomphalos condition – essentially an abdominal wall…

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