Privacy Policy

We take your privacy very seriously and will always do our best to protect your personal information. In this Privacy Policy we will tell you in plain English what information we collect and how we use it. If anything is unclear please let us know.  One of the most important things to say is that we NEVER sell or exchange your personal information with other organisations for marketing purposes.

Please note also that you are in control of how we might hold or use your personal information.

For the purposes of this Privacy Policy "Data Protection Legislation" means EU Directive 95/46/EU, and from 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679), and the UK Data Protection Act 1998 – Willing and Abel is the data controller (registered address is 30 Kingswood Drive, London SE19 1UR).

How we collect information

We will collect information about you when:

  • you make a donation, campaign for us or enquire about an event.
  • sign up to receive updates on our activities
  • you post on our social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Depending on your privacy settings or the privacy policies of these sites, you might give us permission to receive information about you from them
  • you volunteer for us
  • you take part in one of our events or fundraise for us or enquire about doing this
  • you contact us through the following channels: online, email, phone, SMS, social media or by post.
  • you visit our website. As you navigate through our website certain technical information is gathered, using various technologies and means, without you personally providing this to us. This information includes internet protocol addresses, internet tags, navigational data ("log files", "server logs", and "clickstream" data), the internet platform you are using and device identifiers. Willing and Abel gathers and records some of this information about your website visit and uses cookies and anonymous identifiers in order to provide you with a better, more individual web experience. Please see our cookie policy for more information on this.
  • We may also receive information about you from third parties such as Just Giving and Virgin Money Giving – but only if you’ve given them permission to share your information with us. These organisations will have their own privacy policies so please do make sure you read them before providing your information.
  • We may also collect personal information about you from the public domain.

The types of personal information we might hold about you

  • Your name, address, email address and phone numbers
  • Your date of birth
  • Your bank or credit card details (only if you are making a donation)
  • Your previous donation history and details of your plans to give in the future
  • Your tax status if you have given us permission to claim Gift Aid or told us you are not eligible
  • If you are taking part in an event, we may also collect medical information, passport details and emergency contact details
  • Where it is appropriate, we may ask your specific interests relating to our work

Please contact us at to receive a copy of this policy.

Using your personal information

We will use your information (see how we collect your information above) for the following purposes when it is in both yours and our legitimate interests to do so.

  • To provide you with the service or information you have requested
  • If you sign up for a fundraising event, we will keep in touch with you regularly in the lead up to the event to ensure you have all of the details you need for taking part. We may also contact you after the event to get your feedback and communicate the total of the funds raised.
  • To administer your donations, including Gift Aid processing
  • To tailor internet and social media advertising according to your interests, preferences and the way you have used our website, Facebook or Twitter pages
  • To send you mailings or call you about how your donations are helping people
  • To inform our marketing

With your consent we may also:

  • email or send you text messages with updates on fundraising appeals you have given to, new appeals, other Willing and Abel news.
  • Your consent will be valid for at least three years, unless you tell us otherwise. If you do not open our emails or respond to our text messages during a three year period we will assume we no longer have consent to contact you in this way.

We use external organisations to collect and/or process your personal information on our behalf. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy you are giving us a general written authorisation to do so in relation to the third parties listed below:

  • Facebook - advertising
  • Google - website analytics and advertising
  • JustGiving - sponsorship website
  • Mailchimp – email supplier
  • Virgin Money Giving – sponsorship website

This list is current as at the date of this Privacy Policy but may change from time to time.  We will ensure that any future changes to this list are reflected in this Privacy Policy. In the process of working with Mailchimp your data may be transferred outside the EEA, to the US. Mailchimp is self-certified under Privacy Shield.

How long we keep your information for

We will hold your personal information on our systems for as long as is necessary for the relevant activity.

If you tell us you do not consent to receive our marketing, we will keep a record of your contact details to enable us to remove you from any contact lists now and in the future.

Legacy income is vital to funding Willing and Abel’s work. We may keep personal information you provide to us for as long as is needed both to administer legacy gifts and to communicate effectively with the families of people leaving us legacies. This also enables us to identify and analyse the source of legacy income we receive.

How do we protect your information?

We implement appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect your information and keep it confidential, including SSL technology, encryption and firewalls.

You are in control

  • You can change your mind about the consent you have given us for our marketing activities at any time.
  • You can ask us to stop using your information for any of the purposes listed above at any time.
  • You can request to see the information we hold about you at any time by completing our Contact form, and ask us to correct, delete or restrict it.
  • You also have the right to ask us to move, copy or transfer the information we hold about you from our own IT environment to another of your choosing, in a safe and secure way.

Simply email .

If you are not happy with the way we have processed your data you can make a complaint to our Chairman (at the above contact details). And if you aren’t happy with our response you have the right to lodge a complaint with the UK's Data Protection Authority - the Information Commissioner’s Office. Alternatively, you can go directly to them.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

This policy will be reviewed at least annually. The next review is planned for July 2021. If we make significant changes, we will publish them clearly on our website or contact you directly with more information.

Updated July 2020


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