Santigi from Sierra Leone

Santigi, who has prosthetic legs

Name:  Santigi

Date of Birth:  20th August 2006

Date of Contact:  August 2011

Location:  Sierra Leone

Condition:  Phocomelia of left and right legs (malformation of the limbs such that they are not functional and Santigi cannot walk only shuffle around on his knees).

Operation:  Transferred to Kenya for surgery at Kijabe Hospital for amputations. He has been fitted with lower limb prostheses to allow him to walk.

Current Needs:  Santigi is currently doing his rehabilitation at the National Rehabilitation Centre, and has a place at an SOS village where a prosthetics organisation is funding his schooling. He and his father are overjoyed with the results of the surgery, especially after having tried so many ways to get help for his condition. Santigi finally has hope for the future!

Willing & Abel would also like to extend our appreciation to Anna Vines and Jessica Dyer for their rehabilitation work with Santigi, who is now able to walk independently!