Richmond from Ghana


Date of Birth:  2004

Date of Contact:  June 2011

Location:  Ghana

Condition:  Congenital hydroceles – a condition males can be born with where fluid abnormally collects in the scrotum.

Operation:  After a long wait to have surgery arranged for locally in Ghana, Richmond finally had his surgery at the beginning of October 2012. Willing & Abel are delighted that it was a success, and that he is on the road to recovery.

Current Needs & Updates: We are happy to report that Richmond is doing really well, and has been able to resume growing up like a normal boy. His dream was to be able to run normally and play football, and that has now been possible!! We’ve added a few more pictures of Richmond and his family into the gallery on this page. As you can see, there’s also another exciting bit of news: a baby sister born in October 2013! We’re thrilled to see this family flourish, and are thankful to all who have helped W&A to help them.