Lester from the Philippines

LesterLesterLester before operation

Update:  Abi and Kenny managed to meet with Lester and his mum while they were in the Philippines (May 2014).  They are keen to proceed with the surgery which will involved amputation of his enlarged fingers and subsequently a toe graft.  This will give him much better use of his hands and reduce the excessive weight caused by the fingers.  The surgery will take place in Manila and/or Bristol and we need to raise c£8,000 to fund this.

Name:  Lester

Date of Birth:  2006

Date of Contact:  November 2012

Location:  The Philippines

Condition:  Congenital localised gigantism of the median nerve (excessive growth in fingers)

Operation:  Willing and Abel in conjunction with a UK congenital hand surgeon has carried out a medical assessment of Lester’s condition in the Philippines and has assessed the facilities available in the hospital in Manila.   There are a number of options including flying a surgeon to the Philippines to operate or bring him to the UK.  It is important to provide the best medical care but also the emotional support Lester will need.