John Scott returned to Indonesia at the end of March after successful treatments.

John Scott Yambung

John Scott with his brother & sisters

John Scott's leg

John Scott’s leg

Name:  John Scott Yambung

Date of Birth:  14th January 2005

Date of Contact:  July 2012

Location:  Palu, Indonesia

Condition & treatment:  John Scott has a tumour on his lower left leg which has been slowly growing since he was born, it is a complex tangle of blood vessels which unfortunately does not have defined border meaning it cannot just be surgically removed. Instead, an Interventional Radiologist is needed – a doctor able to inject a medicine into targeted vessels to make the tumour shrink. The tumour won’t completely disappear, but the hope is it will become smaller and therefore, not be as painful and allow John Scott to use his leg more freely for running and jumping and playing football – the things that 9 year olds should be able to do!

John Scott writes:  ”I am John Scott Yambung (9 years old). I am in 3rd grade at Gamaliel Elementary School. I have been suffer from a congenital condition called venous malformation. I got this condition since when I was born. This condition affects my lower left leg and I am having difficulty walking especially when I gets up every morning and limited  for me to play outside and also some time my nose bleeding when is too hot. This condition needs to be treated or I will suffer permanent disability. I have been offered treatment by a UK Charity known as  “Willing and Abel. We do not have this kind of medical treatment here in my home country. I am looking forward to go to UK, so my leg can be fix.

Current Needs: John Scott  and his father, Yuspiter, will arrive in the UK on 12 February for specialist treatment at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital.   He will have two treatments on 18 February and 18 March before returning to Indonesia on 27 March.  Please pray for there safe arrival and the two treatments.