Deve from Haiti
Name: Deve
Date of Birth: 2008
Date of Contact: January 2010
Location: La Gonave, Haiti
Condition: Congenital heart defect
Operation: Deve was transfered to the Children’s hospital in Florida.
Current Needs & Updates: Willing and Abel support Deve and her brother Gady, 6, to attend school, as well as assisting in the repairs on their home after the earthquake.
In December 2011, Abi met up with Deve, 3, and her family in Haiti. Nearly 2 years had passed since Deve’s heart surgery. She was well, and was singing, with her brother Gady, Christmas songs that they learnt in school. They also received a quilt made by some British ladies, and finances to help with ongoing school fees, earthquake related repairs to their house and for Deve’s medical follow-up.
In March 2013, Abi and Kenny visited Deve, 5, and her family. She is healthy and growing normally, which is a tremendous encouragement to us.